Harbor’s environmental professionals have assisted clients in all facets of water permitting and compliance. We have worked on “greenfield” development projects where delineation and permitting of wetland areas was required, and followed the project through to obtaining the construction and final permits for industrial wastewater discharge. Our water permitting team has a unique perspective which comes from previous experience in the regulatory and industrial arenas.
Water Permitting & Compliance Services include:
- Construction Stormwater Permits
- Industrial Stormwater Permits
- NPDES Discharge Permits (Construction/Operation)
- Land Application Permits
- Municipal Discharge/Pre-treatment Permits
- Other General Discharge Permits (Hydrostatic/Containment)
- Erosion Control and Sedimentation Planning
- Stormwater inspections and Permit Management
- Wetland Delineation and Permitting
- Short Term Activity Authorizations
- USACE Section 404/10 Permitting